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alaska speech-language hearing association

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Get Excited! Our Annual Convention is back on October 12-13, 2024!

We will be learning and connecting at wonderful new venue, The Nave in Anchorage, AK!

Our Convention Theme this Year is:

Celebrating Resilience.

As SLPs and Audiologists, we treat across the lifespan and pour so much of our energy, compassion and empathy into supporting our patients and their families. In Alaska, we rise to meet the challenges of providing high-quality, skilled services to urban and rural communities alike. As many in our communities are adversely affected by substance misuse disorders, we are striving to further our collective knowledge on how to provide the most compassionate, evidence-based care in a way that intersects positively with the multitude of cultures and people in our state. Topics for our speaker sessions will include discussions of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome, Addiction Medicine, Avoiding Burnout as Providers, Trauma Informed Care, and Ways to Incorporate Augmentative & Alternative Communication with Complex Populations.

As always, we are planning to offer 1.5 ASHA CEUs and the UAA credit again! More details to come!

AKSHA is thrilled to announce that we have partnered with the Courtyard Marriott for a great location and rate!

If interested, please use the following information:

Courtyard Marriott - Anchorage Airport: 4901 Spenard Road, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 99517-3295

Group rate: $149/night with this link:

AKSHA rate

We have 20 rooms blocked until 1 month before the convention. At that time, all un-reserved rooms will be released for others to book.

Contact us at:


PO Box 111993

Anchorage, AK 99511

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